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Research, Develop and Evaluate New Ocean, Great Lakes, and Watershed Curricula for the New PA Standards


Pennsylvania (PA) science education researchers and practitioners will collaborate to research, develop, and evaluate new ocean, Great Lakes, and watershed curricula in this proposed environmental literacy and workforce development research project. The outputs of this project will serve as curricula development guides and examples, following research-based best practices in curricula development, teaching, and learning, for PA school curriculum coordinators, teachers, and partner nonformal education organizations.

PA educators are eagerly searching for this guidance and curricula examples as they transition to the new Pennsylvania Integrated Standards for Science, Environment, Ecology, Technology, and Engineering (Grades K-5) and the Integrated Standards for Science, Environment and Ecology (Grades 6-12) (PA STEELS Standards) by the 2025-2026 school year (PA Department of Education, 2022). The new PA STEELS Standards are based on the national Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) but have an additional Environmental Literacy and Sustainability domain of standards for which there is currently no curricula examples.

Stroud Water Research Center’s educators will lead a team of education professionals from Millersville University, the PA Department of Education, and the PA Sea Grant College Program to collaboratively research and accomplish the project objectives. Additionally, eight K-12 educators will participate as curricula review panelists. By the end of the project, educators across PA will have curricula development guidance and high-quality examples of curricula designed to meet the new standards and be able to easily access them on multiple websites.

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