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Flathead Catfish in the Susquehanna River; Diet Composition

Investigator(s): Megan SchallResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Penn State Hazleton Funding Amount: $105,461

Changing Stream Conditions and Fish Communities

Investigator(s): Ty WagnerResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Penn State University Funding Amount: $100,000

Evaluating Coastal Wetland Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise in Pennsylvania

Investigator(s): Tracy Elsey-QuirkResearch Year: 2012
Institution(s): The Academy of Natural Resources of Drexel University Funding Amount: $15,587

Managing Phragmites for Coastal Resilience

Investigator(s): Thomas MozdzerResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Bryn Mawr College Funding Amount: $126,500

Pennsylvania Brook and Rainbow Trout; Effects of Parasites

Investigator(s): Jason DetarResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Funding Amount: $106,500

Plastic Pollution and Urban Litter

Investigator(s): Varun Kasaraneni, Sam MasonResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Gannon University, Penn State Behrend Funding Amount: $123,566

Stormwater Nitrogen Management

Investigator(s): Erica McKenizeResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Temple University Funding Amount: $126,500

Urbanization & Restoration Impacts on Stream Processes

Investigator(s): Virginia SmithResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Villanova University Funding Amount: $126,193

Wastewater as an indicator of the physical and mental health of Pennsylvania communities

Investigator(s): Heather E. PreisendanzResearch Year: 2020
Institution(s): Penn State University Funding Amount: $100,000

Assessing the Ability of Green Adsorbents to Improve Water Quality and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Performance

Investigator(s): Erica McKenzieResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Temple University Funding Amount: $124,924

Keystone Microtrack: Mapping Microbes and Pathogens in the Susquehanna River Basin

Investigator(s): Regina LamendellaResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Juniata College Funding Amount: $86,054

Analyzing Native and Invasive Flathead Catfish Populations for Species Management

Investigator(s): Geoff SmithResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Funding Amount: $94,869

Lake Erie Bluff Retreat

Investigator(s): Tony FoyleResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Penn State Behrend Funding Amount: $124,995

A Carrying Capacity Analysis for Presque Isle State Park

Investigator(s): Alan GraefeResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Penn State University Funding Amount: $124,927

Round Goby Impacts on Other Aquatic Species

Investigator(s): Beth BoyerResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Penn State University Funding Amount: $125,000

Identifying and Quantifying Contaminants and Diseases of Smallmouth Bass in the Susquehanna River

Investigator(s): Frank DormanResearch Year: 2018
Institution(s): Penn State University Funding Amount: $125,000

Evaluation of Exposure to and Human Health Risks from PCPPs in Drinking Water from Lake Erie

Investigator(s): Michelle HomanResearch Year: 2016
Institution(s): Gannon University Funding Amount: $74,079

Predictive Modeling of Harmful Algal Blooms in Presque Isle Bay

Investigator(s): Rick DizResearch Year: 2016
Institution(s): Gannon University Funding Amount: $74,375

Development of a Molecular Biomarker for the Prediction of Toxic Algal Blooms

Investigator(s): Benoit VanAkenResearch Year: 2016
Institution(s): George Mason University Funding Amount: $45,424

Determining Why Some Algal Blooms Are Not Harmful

Investigator(s): Jeanette SchnarsResearch Year: 2016
Funding Amount: $77,200

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