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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl occurrence and concentrations in lentic invasive snakehead populations: identifying gene expression signatures of toxicity with implications for human consumption advisories

Abstract: Contaminants of emerging concern and aquatic invasive species are of global interest for the health of aquatic ecosystems and humans. In Pennsylvania, like other parts of the world, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have seen increased scrutiny over the last few years due to their potential adverse ecological and human health effects. At the […]

Using sorbent media to address the impact of deicing salt on contaminant dynamics in infiltration-based green stormwater management: nutrients, metals, and trace organics

Abstract: Degraded water quality can negatively impact the key waterways of Pennsylvania. For example, excess nutrients can result in development of a Total Maximum Daily Load, metal concentrations can exceed aquatic life criteria particularly in saltwater ecosystems, and trace organic contaminants including poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are under increased scrutiny due to persistence, toxicity, […]

A Comprehensive Assessment of the Barriers and Drivers of GSI Adoption Centered on Ordinances in Small and Small to Medium-sized Municipalities in Pennsylvania

Abstract: While considerable scholarship demonstrates the benefits of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) primarily to reduce runoff volume and pollution associated with that runoff, municipalities have not universally embraced widespread GSI implementation. Among the numerous sociotechnical, regulatory, financial, and institutional barriers, conflicting or adversarial local mandates and codes, stand out as critical regulatory and policy barriers […]

Research, Develop and Evaluate New Ocean, Great Lakes, and Watershed Curricula for the New PA Standards

Abstract: Pennsylvania (PA) science education researchers and practitioners will collaborate to research, develop, and evaluate new ocean, Great Lakes, and watershed curricula in this proposed environmental literacy and workforce development research project. The outputs of this project will serve as curricula development guides and examples, following research-based best practices in curricula development, teaching, and learning, […]

Understanding the Food Web Impacts of the Invasive Northern Snakehead on Pennsylvania’s Largest Tidal Freshwater Wetland

Abstract: Northern Snakehead (Channa argus; NSH) are voracious predators capable of disrupting ecosystems and threatening desirable species through direct predation and food web impacts. NSH were first introduced to Pennsylvania and the Delaware River watershed in 2004. They have rapidly expanded their range and now occur in all freshwater tidal portions of the Delaware River […]

Groundwater and Nutrient Inputs, Sequestration and Direct and Indirect Fluxes to Lake Erie Coastal Waters associated with Viticultural Activities, Erie County, PA

Abstract: Along the Lake Erie coast, thousands of acres of fruit farms are cultivated over thick sand and gravel soils in catchments adjacent to coastal bluffs. These agricultural practices may be a significant source of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) entering Lake Erie via groundwater as these catchments have minimal surface runoff (runoff <25% of recharge). […]

Microbial Menaces on Microplastics: A Spatiotemporal Study in the Schuylkill River Watershed

Abstract: Rivers are sources of freshwater habitats for organisms, and conduits for transfer of natural and anthropogenic materials from land to sea. The societal and ecological services of rivers are threatened by numerous contaminants, of which microplastics (MP) are among the most pervasive. However, the ecological risks of MP, especially in urban rivers and downstream […]

Predicting the impacts and spread for an emerging invasion of non-native round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in a stream biodiversity hotspot (French Creek, Pennsylvania)

Abstract Invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) became established in a tributary to the upper Allegheny River drainage in 2014 (French Creek, Pennsylvania). French Creek has the highest biodiversity of native bottom-dwelling fishes (16 darter species) and native unionid mussels (27 species) in Pennsylvania, and prior research indicates that both are susceptible to the impacts of […]

Aquatic food web changes to invasive Flathead Catfish along a natural invasion gradient

Biological invasions have the potential to significantly alter the structure and function of aquatic communities. Invasive predatory fish species are known to restructure food webs – since predatory fishes have a dominant influence on community structure in freshwater systems. The Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris is a large piscivorous catfish that is invasive in many parts […]

The Influence of Freshwater Algal Blooms on the Fate of Anthropogenic Particulate Pollutants

Lake Erie, like many freshwater lentic ecosystems, is under threat from microplastics pollution and increasing prevalence of harmful algal blooms. Lake Erie has the highest concentrations of microplastic contaminants of all the Laurentian Great Lakes. In particular, very small microplastics (< 333 microns) have been under sampled and likely exist at higher concentrations than have […]

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