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Assessing the Effects of Water Levels and Water Quality on Water-Based Outdoor Recreationists in Pennsylvania

The overarching goal of the study was to evaluate attitudes, perceptions, and responses towards environmental conditions (e.g., water levels and water quality) among the water-based outdoor recreation stakeholders who use the Pennsylvania coastal section of Lake Erie. For a guiding framework, this study utilized an exploratory mixed methodology with two connected phases which resulted in […]

Evaluation of Effectiveness of FreshFaceFoward: Personal Care Products (PCPs) Social Change Campaign

FreshFaceForward is a campaign to create public awareness of toxic chemicals found in personal care products and the effects of these chemicals on health and environment. Efforts of the social change campaign focus on increasing awareness of the issue among college students, as well as influencing students to change their current personal care products to […]

PCR Tracking of Predation on Non-native Species in Lake Erie

Lake Erie’s ecology is disrupted by aquatic invasive species (AIS), such as the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris). The impact of the tubenose goby on the Great Lakes ecosystem is relatively unstudied. Our current studies focus on discovering which species of fish prey upon these invasive gobies. We use polymerase chain reaction […]

Development of a Real-time PCR Method for Early Detection of Aquatic Invasive in Pennsylvania Watersheds

The widespread occurrence of aquatic invasive species is a worldwide issue threatening the environment and impacting the intended use of water. Conventional methods for the identification of aquatic invasive species are laborious and time-consuming, preventing the timely application of eradication measures. On the contrary, molecular biology methods based on the detection of specific DNA sequences […]

Using Fishes to Assess the Ecological Integrity of Presque Isle Bay

Since the delisting of the Presque Isle Bay (PIB) Area of Concern in 2013, the use of hepatocellular and orocutaneous tumors in Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) as indicators of ecosystem health has been questioned. Specifically, the following questions have been raised: 1) are the occurrence of liver and external tumors in Brown Bullhead indicative of […]

Barrier Assessment of Lake Erie Tributaries of Pennsylvania

A comprehensive fish barrier assessment is critical to the prevention of the spread of aquatic invasive species throughout the Lake Erie watershed. Decisions to remove barriers may expand the habitat of recreational and native fishes, however they may also expand the range of aquatic invasive species.  The objective of this project was to conduct a […]

Characterization of Nearshore Bathymetry and Longshore Current Velocity in Relation to Estimating the Potential for Nearshore Transport of Sediment and Bacteria Loads From Walnut Creek to Presque Isle State Park Beaches, Erie, Pennsylvania

Bacteria-driven restrictions and (or) advisories on swimming at beaches in Presque Isle State Park (PISP), Erie, Pennsylvania, can occur during the summer months. One of the suspected sources of bacteria is sediment. A terrestrial sediment source to the west of PISP is Walnut Creek, which discharges to Lake Erie about 8.5 kilometers southwest of PISP […]

Didymosphenia Geminata in Pennsylvania: an Investigation of Current and Historic Distribution, Habitat Suitability, and Nutritional Content

Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M.Schmidt (herein referred to as didymo) is a benthic freshwater diatom capable of producing nuisance blooms that impact the recreational, ecological, and aesthetic value of freshwater ecosystems. Recently, didymo has expanded its range and ecological tolerances leading to massive blooms in areas where it was previously undocumented or had existed in low […]

Monitoring a Freshwater Tidal Wetland in the Delaware Estuary: Flooding Influence on Accretion and a Potential for Priority Planning Under Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise

Tidal freshwater wetlands provide numerous important ecological services including carbon and nutrient sequestration, sediment trapping, and natural flood control. Urban and agricultural development, nutrient loading, and sea level rise continue to threaten these ecologically and economically valuable ecosystems. Rates of sea level rise are accelerating with global climate change, which has implications for wetland loss. […]

Assessment of the Spatial Distribution of Brownfield Sites in Chester, PA at Risk of Flooding and Release of Pollutants to the Delaware River

The city of Chester is located within two watersheds, Chester Creek and Ridley Creek. Both of these watersheds discharge surface water to the Delaware River within the city municipal boundary. The close proximity of the city to the Delaware River coupled with its land surface elevation and the two watershed discharges make the city susceptible […]

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