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Assessing the Economic Impact and Significance of Recreational Angling on Lake Erie Waters: Final Report 

The overarching goal of the study was to assess the economic impact and significance of the recreational angling industry within the Pennsylvania section of Lake Erie. For a guiding framework, this study utilized an exploratory mixed methodology with three connected phases which resulted in 1,189 completed online and mail-back questionnaires (Phase I), 516 completed on-site […]

Assessing Background Rates of Intersex, Expression of Vitellogenin, Teste Transcriptome, and Population Genetics of Micropterus Dolomieu

Intersex, particularly testicular oocytes, and vitellogenin (Vtg) expression in male fish are being used more frequently as an indication of exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), including organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and surfactants. However, the use of intersex and Vtg expression as indicators of endocrine disruption have recently come under review, and the […]

Living Shorelines Assessment for Community Resiliency in Coastal Pennsylvania

As sea levels rise, the people along Pennsylvania’s eastern coastlines face many challenges, including the loss of tidal wetlands and the associated increase in coastal flooding (Nicholls 2004). Tidal wetlands remain a valuable buffer for rising seas levels and vital habitat for fish and wildlife (Beck et al. 2001; Knight 1997).  Unfortunately, the Delaware Estuary […]

Diel Signals in Stream Discharge – Insights Into Watershed Behavior and Potential Impacts of Climate Change

This study examined the characteristics of daily water level fluctuations produced by evapotranspiration measured in riparian areas and within a stream (Buck Hill Creek). The goal was to understand how diel signal characteristics Buck Hill Creek relate to watershed characteristics and predict how the diel signal characteristics might be affected by changing climate. Water levels […]

Preliminary Determination of Density and Distribution of Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis Olivaris) in the Susquehanna River and Select Tributaries

Flathead Catfish records in the Atlantic Slope drainage of Pennsylvania date back to the early 1990s; however, large-scale range expansion and population increases were not realized until the late 1990s in the Delaware River drainage and the early 2000s in the Susquehanna River drainage. The impacts of introduced Flathead Catfish on migratory and resident fishes […]

Investigation of Chemical Signals for Improving Trapping Efficiency and Preventing Further Expansion of Invasive Crayfish Species

Invasive crustacean species disturb existing food webs, macrophyte, benthic invertebrate and fish populations, and negatively affect overall ecosystem function (Hill and Lodge, 1999; Khulman and Hazelton, 2007). In Central Pennyslvania, the invasive Orconectes rusticus and Orconectes obscurus have invaded aquatic habitats, dominating the Susquehanna River and many of its tributaries while displacing native species (Lieb […]

Determination of Invasive Round Goby Populations Within the Main Stem of French Creek and Their Potential Impact on Benthic Fishes

The introduction of Round Gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in the French Creek Watershed (Lake LeBoeuf) was probably via bait bucket and were first discovered in 2014. This was the first documented invasion outside of the Lake Erie Basin in Pennsylvania. This was alarming in large part because the Round Goby has become the most abundant benthic […]

Occurrence of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Stream (Raw) and Drinking-Water (Finished) Samples in the Susquehanna and Delaware Watersheds 2007–2009 Compared to 2016 and in the Lake Erie Watershed in 2016

This study investigated whether or not concentrations of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) have changed in raw samples near drinking-water intakes in the Susquehanna and Delaware Watersheds in the last 10 years. The study also determined whether concentrations of PPCPs in raw water samples near drinking-water intakes and in treated (finished) waters in the […]

Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Municipal Water Supplies from Lake and Riverine Sources

Humans use a large variety of chemicals in their everyday lives, including prescription drugs, overthe-counter medications, and personal care products. The chemicals that are in these products enter the wastewater treatment systems during the manufacturing process and when consumers use them. These chemicals, collectively referred to as PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products), have been […]

Evaluating the Sources and Fate of Triclosan in a Watershed Traversing a Rural to Urban Gradient in Southeastern Pennsylvania

The environmental fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP) in regional waterways is of growing concern. One such product, an antimicrobial agent known as triclosan (TCS), has been the focus of recent investigation. Once released into waterways, TCS can photochemically degrade to form even more toxic contaminants like dioxins. The focus of this research […]

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