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Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

March 2018

This first meeting of 2018 provided updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and presentations on clean water infrastructure and asset management and inter-governmental cooperation.

  • Welcome to the Forum: Anticipated Outcomes and Introductions
    Tim Bruno, PA DEP
  • Great Lakes Roundup: updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Great Lakes Basin Compact & Agreement, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Update, and the State Water Plan
    Tim Bruno, PA DEP
  • SPECIAL FOCUS: CLEAN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Clean Water Infrastructure in the Great Lakes Region: Challenges and Opportunities Victoria Pebbles, Great Lakes Commission
  • SPECIAL FOCUS: CLEAN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE; Asset Management and Inter-Governmental Cooperation in Pennsylvania
    Christine Weigle, Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority
  • Mini-Group Information Gathering Session; Infrastructure Feedback and Personal Perspective
    Marti Martz, PA Sea Grant
  • 2018 E.coli Bacteria & Harmful Algae Bloom Monitoring and E.coli and HAB Monitoring
    Dr. Jeanette Schnarrs, Regional Science Consortium
  • Opportunity for Attendees to Provide Comments, Identify Issues, and Recommend Future Topics
    Public Members
  • Final Remarks and Adjourn
    Tim Bruno, PADEP

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