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In 2019, Great Lakes communities were faced with rising lake levels. Erie, PA experienced higher than average water levels along the lakeshore which impacted local infrastructure, recreation, and ecology. This forum focused on understanding lake level rise and impacts to coastal communities through invited speakers from the University of Michigan, PA DEP, and the local group Climate Resilience Action Network of Erie.


High Lake Levels; Understanding Great Lakes Water Levels and the Impacts of Climate on Our System

Dr. Drew Gronewold, University of Michigan


High Lake Level Impacts in PA – Great Lakes Water Levels and Pennsylvania Coastal Impacts and Concerns

Donald J. Benczkowski, PA DEP Coastal Resource Management Program 

Community and Coastal Resiliency; Coastal and Community Resiliency Planning

Dr. Richard Norton, University of Michigan 

Upcoming Erie Resilience Study, Preparing Erie, PA for Extreme Weather; What to do and Where to Start

Joy Knapp, Community Resilience Action Network of Erie (CRANE) 

Lake Erie Updates

Tim Bruno, Chief, Great Lakes Office, PA DEP

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