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a group of people walking

Anglers, hikers, and others who love nature will now have even more places to enjoy and explore. Pennsylvania Sea Grant and partners strive to set aside natural spaces for conservation and for the enjoyment of nature-based activities like walking, birding, fishing, and connecting with nature.

Pennsylvania Sea Grant has been instrumental in helping conservancies and other entities acquire properties for conservation and public access. Since 2003, Pennsylvania Sea Grant has assisted the Lake Erie Region Conservancy, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, municipalities, state agencies and others in conserving 1,736.7 acres, 10.14 miles of stream corridor, and 2.6 miles of the Lake Erie, PA shoreline. Property values are currently at $12.55 million.

There are many benefits to land conservation, such as leaving a legacy for future generations, ensuring viable habitat for wildlife, and providing public access so that others can enjoy the natural beauty of the property via walking, bird watching, and other low impact types of access. Land conservation also supports and sustains economic development by supporting business and job opportunities that result from tourism.

As an example, in Erie County, conservation of creek side properties and public access programs support the nearly $10 million annual steelhead recreation industry along Pennsylvania’s Lake Erie tributaries.

Current and past land conservation partners include the Lake Erie Region Conservancy, PA Fish and Boat Commission, PA Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, Proctor and Gamble Corp, Federal Highway Administration, PA Dept. of Transportation, Western PA Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy, Erie County Dept. of Planning, Erie regional municipalities, private land owners.

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