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New! Video series features 8 research projects
The stories highlight the research topic, questions researchers sought to answer, and their findings through in-person interviews, in-field and in-lab activities, and on location footage. The videos are available online via the program’s website, and YouTube Channel.

Educators – apply today for the Great Lakes shipboard science workshop on Lake Michigan
Formal and nonformal 5-12th grade educators from Great Lakes’ states are invited to apply for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a week aboard a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research vessel alongside scientists and to bring the Great Lakes back to their classrooms.

Choose Native field guide available in English or Spanish – for download
This guide serves as a portable resource to assist professional landscapers, homeowners, and garden enthusiasts in selecting native species over non-native, ornamental, or even invasive species for landscaping, gardens, and water gardens.