The Great Lakes Literacy education exploration (GLLee) is a short and engaging course focused on a Great Lakes topic. The digital course can be accessed anytime via Google Classroom. Through each GLLee, you will learn about a Great Lakes scientist, be provided with curated resources, and see examples of stewardship opportunities. You will receive a certificate representing three contact hours of study after completing a GLLee course.
What is a GLLee?
- Digital and asynchronous short course for educators to support youth engagement Great Lakes literacy focus
- Stewardship and hands-on learning
- Career explorations with scientists
- Educator community of practice
2023 school year topics
- Aquatic Invasive Species (Facilitated by Pennsylvania Sea Grant and NOAA GLANSIS) Coastal Erosion (Facilitated by New York Sea Grant)
- Marine Debris (Facilitated by Ohio Sea Grant)
- Urban Water Cycle (Facilitated by Michigan Sea Grant)
- Vernal Pools (Facilitated by Michigan Sea Grant)