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Pennsylvania Sea Grant staff build relationships with stakeholders, project partners, and entities doing similar work across Pennsylvania and the region. The program seeks to add value to the work of others and gather new ideas and develop synergies. Staff participate in state, regional, and national advisory boards, expertise panels, and planning groups.

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Aquatic Invasive Species Participation

Pennsylvania Governor’s Invasive Species Council

In order to combat invasive species, former Governor Ed Rendell, in 2004 established the Governor’s Invasive Species Council. The Council is chaired by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and individuals representing numerous organizations, local government, environmental advocacy, and other industries serve on the Council.

The Council provides a forum for members to meet with a common purpose of identifying invasive species of concern that currently or could potentially threaten this Commonwealth’s natural and agricultural resources and the industries they support. The Council advises the Governor about threats, direct the development and implementation of a State invasive species management plan, provide guidance on prevention, control and rapid response initiatives, and facilitate coordination among Federal, regional, State and local efforts, and other duties.

Pennsylvania Sea Grant is a member of Council and works with many partners in the water and on the land to identify, survey, and control invasive species. Outreach specialists also provide training for resource managers on invasive species identification and remediation, develop educational tools and resources for a variety of audiences, and host in person and virtual events, workshops, and presentations.

National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force

Pennsylvania Sea Grant staff participate in two panels of the national Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (ANS) – the Great Lakes Panel and the Mid-Atlantic Panel. Director, Sarah Whitney, chaired the Mid-Atlantic panel from 2011-2014. The ANS Task Force is co-chaired by NOAA and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

These panels include representatives from Sea Grant program, state and federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations to share management and research activities on aquatic invasive species issues. Sea Grant programs from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois-Indiana, Ohio, New YOrk, Maryland, Delawre, and North Carolina also participate in these panels.

Environmental Literacy & Workforce Development

Bay Watershed Education & Training (B-WET)

For more than ten years, staff have worked to bring meaningful watershed education expereinces to teachers and students in both the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay watersheds with funding from the NOAA B-WET program.

Sea Grant Network Collaborations

National Sea Grant

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Regional Sea Grant

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NOAA Collaborations

NOAA Marine Debris

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Penn State Collaborations

Staff Leadership on Boards and Committees (2014-2025)


Chester City Shade Tree Commission
Chester City Parks and Open Space Master Plan Committee, Advisor
Chester Creek Trail Planning Commmitte, Member
more to come…


Pennsylvania Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, Member
Pennsylvania Coastal Resources Management Program, Lake Erie Advisory Board, Assistant Chair
Pennsylvania Department of Enviornmental Protection Water Resources Advisory Committee, Member
Pennsylvania Governor’s Invasive Species Council, Member
Pennsylvania Meaningful Watershed Education Task Force, Member
Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center External Advisory Committee, Member


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