Educator Resources
Making Great Lakes, coastal and watershed-focused content and curricula accessible, relevant, and current.
Pennsylvania Sea Grant has curated resources for educators in P-12 classrooms, for nonformal educators, and other learners. Many of these resources are undergoing review to ensure they meet online accessibility standards, and are relevant and current for today’s learners.
Many of these resources are undergoing review to ensure they meet online accessibility standards. Join our newsletter to receive updates about our educator professional development opportunities and available resources. If you have questions about education programs or opportunities, contact us.
Featured Resource
Aquatic Invaders Attack Packs
The Aquatic Invaders Attack Pack is a toolkit for educators, available for loan. The pack includes a classroom guide, a sea lamprey model, giant posters of the Silver and Bighead Asian Carp, and acrylic block specimens of zebra mussels, rusty crayfish, round goby, and the Eurasian ruffe. Packs also include a copy of the Pennsylvania Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species.