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October 29, 2019 – “Understanding Water Levels of the Great Lakes”

On October 29, 2019 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Pennsylvania Sea Grant hosted the fall 2019 Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum (PA LEEF), at the Tom Ridge Education Center in Erie, PA. Presentations and discussions focused on the timely issue of water levels in Lake Erie and all Great Lakes.


High Lake Levels – Understanding Great Lakes Water Levels and the Impacts of Climate on Our System, Dr. Drew Gronewold, University of Michigan

High Lake Level Impacts in PA – Great Lakes Water Levels and Pennsylvania Coastal Impacts and Concerns, Donald J. Benczkowski, PA DEP Coastal Resource Management Program

Community and Coastal Resiliency – Coastal and Community Resiliency Planning, Dr. Richard Norton, University of Michigan

Upcoming Erie Resilience Study, Preparing Erie, PA for Extreme Weather – What to do and Where to Start, Joy Knapp, Community Resilience Action Network of Erie (CRANE)

Lake Erie Updates, Tim Bruno, Chief, Great Lakes Office, PA DEP


March 2019  – Agenda

“Invasive Species in the Great Lakes from the Front Lines”

On Tuesday, March 19, 2019 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Pennsylvania Sea Grant hosted the spring 2019 Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum (PA LEEF), at the Tom Ridge Education Center in Erie, PA. The discussions focused around the topic “Invasive Species in the Great Lakes from the Front Lines.”  Featured speakers included PA DEP Great Lakes Biologist, Dr. Jim Grazio, whose presentation focused on early detection of aquatic invasive species, Pennsylvania Sea Grant’s Extension Leader, Sara Stahlman, whose presentation focused on responding to aquatic invasive species introductions in PA, Regional Science Consortium Executive Director, Dr. Jeanette Schnars, who focused on harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, and PA DEP Great Lakes Office Chief, Tim Bruno, who provided a round-up of Great Lakes related activities and issues.



October 2018


On Tuesday, October 23, 2018 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Pennsylvania Sea Grant hosted the fall 2018 Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum (PA LEEF). Featured speakers included Penn State Behrend researcher, Dr. Anthony Foyle, who discussed “Coastal Bluff Erosion” and his work to increase the knowledge of Lake Erie bluff erosion, Pennsylvania Sea Grant’s Research Director, Dr. Sean Rafferty, presented the PA Great lakes Water & Land Technical Resources Website & Web Mapping Application, Pennsylvania Sea Grant’s Marti Martz and Anna McCartney led presentations and discussions about plastic pollution in our waters, Jill Bartolotta and Sue Bixler of Ohio Sea Grant examined the impacts of plastic pollution on our waters, the social science behind consumer behavior, and a regional opportunity to collaborate on a plastics outreach campaign, and Tim Bruno, Chief of the DEP Great Lakes Office provided updates on rulemaking regarding the Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Waterway, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and the Pennsylvania State Water Plan.

March 2018  


This first meeting of 2018 provided updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and presentations on clean water infrastructure and asset management and inter-governmental cooperation.

Watch the presentations on YouTube

View PowerPoint Presentations:

• Asset Management & Inter-governmental Cooperation in Pennsylvania
Presented by Christine Weigle, Executive Director Lycoming County Water & Sewer Authority

• Joint Action Plan for Clean Water Infrastructure and Services in the Great Lakes Region
A product of the Great Lakes Commission Clean Water Infrastructure and Services Working Group Presented by Victoria Pebbles, Program Director

• Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Update – Presented by Tim Bruno, Chief, Great Lakes Office, PA Department of Environmental Protection

April 18, 2016  Agenda I Summary Attendee list

The initial meeting of PA LEEF covered a broad set of topics such as water diversion in the Great Lakes; how commissions and organizations Pennsylvania DEP is involved with address environmental issues; how Pennsylvania utilizes funding it receives from federal and state sources; new methods of online interaction with spatial data; projects that evaluate and monitor erosion along Pennsylvania’s shorelines; monitoring of the health of Lake Erie, and current nutrient reduction actions.

September 19, 2016  Agenda I Summary Attendee list

Status of current drafts of the Pennsylvania Domestic Action Plan to meet Lake Erie phosphorus reduction targets and timelines for implementation.  The Special Focus topic will be stormwater management and the roles municipalities play in protecting Lake Erie water quality.  Presentations will introduce new methods available to municipalities to sustainably fund stormwater management responsibilities and infrastructure.

December 12, 2016  AgendaSummary Attendee list

This third meeting of PA LEEF covered a broad set of topics such as updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; the Great Lakes Basin Compact and Agreement; the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Pennsylvania State Water Plan. In addition, DEP staff highlighted upcoming grant opportunities and discussed the Pennsylvania Phosphorous Reduction Domestic Action Plan.

April 24, 2017     Agenda / Summary

A number of updates were covered including Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; Great Lakes Basin Compact Agreement; Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Update; and the State Water Plan update.

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