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Advancing Coastal and Great Lakes Literacy

Pennsylvania Sea Grant education staff provide virtual and in-person professional development programs for formal P-12 teachers and non-formal educators across Pennsylvania in the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic watersheds.

These programs are designed to support state and national academic standards and provide place-based ocean, coastal, river, and Great Lakes science literacy opportunities for youth and adults learners.



Educator Professional Development Opportunities

a child holding a book

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences or “MWEEs” are learner-centered experiences that focus on investigations into local environmental issues leading to informed action and civic engagement. Pennsylvania Sea Grant provides MWEE professional development programs and opportunities for educators.

a person in a safety vest looking at a baby in a stroller

Great Lakes literacy education exploration

Great Lakes Literacy education exploration, or GLLee, opportunities are an introductory collection of resources and partners assembled to better equip educators to explore Great Lakes Literacy with youth through place-based education and stewardship opportunities in your school and community!

Lake Guardian teacher Promotion social 2025 - 1

Great Lakes Shipboard Science Immersion (SSI)

Each year educators in the Great Lakes region are invited to participate in the Sea Grant Shipboard Science Immersion (SSI), a week-long adventure on one of the Great Lakes aboard the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Research Vessel (R/V), Lake Guardian. Learn more and apply today.



a woman smiling at the camera

Michelle Niedermeier

Education Lead


Michelle Niedermeier joined Pennsylvania Sea Grant in July 2021 as education lead. She is responsible for funding, planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating education programs with a focus on ocean, river, Great Lakes, coastal resources, stewardship, and watershed environmental literacy, and watershed sustainability topics across Pennsylvania.

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