PA Lake Erie Environment Forum – Upcoming and Previous Forums

Ground Water and Climate
November 2024
This forum explored a range of topics related to ground water and climate change including the impact of climate change on Great Lakes agriculture and water use, how climate change is expected to impact freshwater sources through reduced water supplies, impaired water quality, and increased stress on water infrastructure.

Beach Economics and Resiliency
June 2024
Beach economics and resiliency issues as well as innovative technology were the focus for this in person gathering of the Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum (PA LEEF) on June 18, 2024.

Harmful Algal Blooms
March 2024
This forum explored harmful algal blooms (HABs) which are a major threat to Great Lakes and Pennsylvania waters. They can form quickly and produce harmful toxins that impact the skin, livers, and neurological systems of people, dogs, and other animals.

The Future of Stormwater: Artificial Intelligence?
May 2023
Featured topics include harmful algal blooms (HABs), a custom designed litter boom to catch plastic debris, planting trees as a stormwater management technique, stormwater fees, and current research into artificial intelligence and stormwater management.

Education and Volunteerism
February 2023
Participants and speakers of this forum explored science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in Pennsylvania and ways to enhance environmental literacy in the classroom. Additional presentations and conversation focused on volunteerism opportunities.

Hazard Mitigation and Climate
October 2022
Climate change is taking a toll in the Great Lakes region. In this forum, participants and speakers reviewed and discussed record-breaking high temperatures and unpredictable extreme weather events that have many cities around the Great Lakes preparing for future impacts.

Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
April 2022
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widely used, long-lasting chemicals found in many day-to-day products. Components of PFAS break down slowly over time, can persist in the environment, and are found in air, water, fish, soil, and in some cases, human and animal blood.

Invasive Species
January 2022
Invasive species are causing havoc in the Lake Erie watershed, particularly the threat of the invasive carp. Featured topics include invasive carp biology, the Brandon Road Inter-basin Project, state response to the threat of invasive species.

Climate and HABs
October 2021
This forum featured climate change and harmful algal blooms (HABs) and ways to prepare and mitigate.

Environmental Justice and Equity
July 2021
Environmental Justice and Equity; The Crossroads of Environmental Justice and Water Affordability, Assuring Environmental Justice, Equity, and Inclusion in the Protection of Pennsylvania’s Environment, and a Community-Driven Planning project for Climate Resilience in Marginalized Communities in the Great Lakes.

Public Drinking Water
March 2021
In addition to several Great Lakes updates, featured topics included Public Drinking Water – the State of the System & Contemporary Challenges in Public Drinking Water and the Rising to the Public Health Challenge by Using Wastewater to Aid in COVID-19 Detection.

Lake Erie Water Levels
October 2019
Regional presentations explore the science behind Lake Erie high water levels, coastal and community resilience to water levels and climate changes.

Invasive Species in the Great Lakes from the Front Lines
March 2019
Great Lakes biology, early detection and rapid response to invasive species were featured topics, along with harmful algal blooms and Great Lakes regional activities and issues.

Great Lake Updates and Special Features
October 2018
Featured speakers focused on coastal bluff erosion, plastic in public water, E.coli Bacteria & Harmful Algae Bloom Monitoring, and the PA Lake Erie Water and Land Technical Resource website.

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
March 2018
This first meeting of 2018 provided updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and presentations on clean water infrastructure and asset management and inter-governmental cooperation.

State and Regional Planning
April 2017
A number of updates were covered including Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; Great Lakes Basin Compact Agreement; Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Update; and the State Water Plan update.

Shoreline Health
April 2016
Topics included new methods of online interaction with spatial data, projects that evaluate and monitor erosion along Pennsylvania’s shorelines, monitoring the health of Lake Erie, and current nutrient reduction actions.

Stormwater Management
September 2016
Focus on stormwater management and the roles municipalities play in protecting Lake Erie water quality. Presentations will introduce new methods available to municipalities to sustainably fund stormwater management responsibilities and infrastructure.

Great Lakes Planning
December 2016
Included updates on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, he Great Lakes Basin Compact and Agreement, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Pennsylvania State Water Plan, and the Pennsylvania Phosphorous Reduction Domestic Action Plan.